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How to Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

Of all the relationships in life, few are more complicated than those between teen girls and our parents. We’re designed to seek their approval, and at the same time to rebel and find our own path. That can sometimes make it tough to tell them when we find ourselves in an especially difficult and scary situation…like being pregnant.

If you haven’t been there, it’s hard to imagine the anxiety that comes with finding out you’re pregnant and then having to tell your Mom and Dad. You’re dealing with so many emotions, and then there’s this dread of how disappointed they’re going to be. You literally sob, thinking things like, “How will I ever look my Dad in the eye again,” and, “Will my Mom ever want to speak to me?”

Like it or not, you know you have to tell them, but how? These steps can help you through the process. And, in the end, you will likely find that the parents who loved you every day of your life up to now will continue loving you every day to come. And, together, you will find the best solution for you and your baby.

Step 1: Confirm you’re pregnant.

Even if you got positive results from multiple home pregnancy tests, you should get a medical pregnancy test from a healthcare professional to confirm the result. In Gainesville, Sira offers free medical pregnancy tests. This way, you’ll know for sure before telling your parents.

Step 2: Think through your options.

While your parents will have opinions, ultimately it will be up to you to decide how to proceed with this pregnancy. Consider all your options. A Sira counselor can talk through the pros and cons of raising the child yourself or with your parents or placing your child with a loving adoptive family. Make a preliminary decision, but be prepared to listen to input from Mom and Dad.

Step 3: Find a good time and place.

Select the right time and place to share this news with your parents. Look for an opportunity when they aren’t excessively stressed, rushed, or tired. During or after dinner may be the right time for your family. Lead in with something along the lines of, “Mom and Dad, I have a big problem, and I need your help.” Then, take a deep breath, and simply tell them the truth.

Step 4: Be prepared to answer questions.

Your parents’ first reaction will probably be to ask who, when, and where. Of course, providing those answers won’t change your condition, but it may help Mom and Dad wrap their heads around the reality of the situation. Then, the more important question will come up – “What do you plan to do about it?” Share with them your thoughts about how to proceed with your pregnancy, and ask if they will support you. You are welcome to return to Sira with your parents and meet with a client advocate to talk through options as a family.

Step 5: Do what is best for your baby.

No matter how your parents react, you are ultimately responsible for the decision you make. If they are not willing to support you, there are many other people who are. You are never alone. Sira can connect you with resources to ensure you and your baby are well cared for.

For your free medical pregnancy test, contact Sira today.

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